Table 4

Results of binary logistic analysis for potential risk factors of IDSHL

95% CI
Variables in the equationORLowerUpperp Value
 Male (reference)
Age group0.003
 Han (reference)
Education level0.000
 Illiterate (reference)
 Primary school1.6671.2622.2020.000
 Junior high school2.7132.0733.5500.000
 Senior high school4.6573.4576.2740.000
 College/university diploma or higher9.3426.41713.6020.000
Marital status0.869
 Single (reference)
 Administrative personnel of government office agencies and institutions (reference)
 Professional and technical personnel1.1230.7611.6570.558
 Office clerk2.7311.6374.5560.000
 Business/service staff1.7011.1762.4610.005
 Factory worker1.3500.7492.4320.319
 Laid-off workers1.4630.8282.5840.190
 Off-farm workers0.6730.4680.9660.032
 Healthcare personnel8.3661.08364.6190.042
Self-reported health status
 Poor/very poor (reference)
 Very good/good/normal1.5041.1741.9270.001
Two-week morbidity
 Yes (reference)
Time spent on internet surfing per day0.000
 Never use internet (reference)
 <1 hour1.3471.1501.5770.000
 1 hour∼1.5141.2431.8440.000
 2 hours∼1.5731.2711.9460.000
Method for obtaining health information0.000
 TV (reference)
 Newspapers and magazines1.4081.0761.8410.013
 Family, colleagues or friends0.8300.6771.0180.074
 Medical and health personnel1.1530.9501.4000.151
  • ∼, range.

  • IDSHL, infectious disease-specific health literacy.