Table 1

Baseline characteristics of PSA tested and untested patients

Baseline characteristicsAll (n=150 481)PSA untested (n=124 054)PSA tested (n=26 427)p Value*
Prostate cancer risk factors
Age, mean (SD)53.6 (11.4)52.1 (10.7)60.8 (11.9)<0.001
Ethnicity, % (N)
 White40.9 (61 621)41.0 (50 897)40.6 (10 724)<0.001
 Black17.2 (25 956)16.0 (19 835)23.2 (6121)
 South Asian†26.1 (39 341)26.5 (32 858)24.5 (6483)
 Chinese0.9 (1363)1.0 (1200)0.6 (163)
 Mixed black1.5 (2299)1.3 (1647)2.5 (652)
 Mixed Asian†0.2 (235)0.2 (195)0.2 (40)
 Other mixed0.4 (608)0.4 (535)0.3 (73)
 Other ethnicity3.9 (5909)3.9 (4857)4.0 (1052)
 Not specified8.7 (13 149)9.7 (12 030)4.2 (1119)
BMI class‡, % (N)
 Normal weight31.6 (47 619)35.4 (40 140)29.1 (7479)<0.001
 Underweight1.0 (1558)1.2 (1321)0.9 (237)
 Overweight39.1 (58 787)42.0 (47 614)43.5 (11 173)
 Obese class I15.3 (22 985)15.9 (17 993)19.4 (4992)
 Obese class II4.0 (6026)4.1 (4653)5.3 (1373)
 Obese class III1.4 (2044)1.4 (1586)1.8 (458)
Non-risk factors
Deprivation§, % (N)
 Least deprived21.8 (32 780)21.5 (26 646)23.2 (6134)<0.001
 Q216.6 (25 022)16.6 (20 519)17.1 (4503)
 Q317.1 (25 802)17.2 (21 253)17.2 (4549)
 Q419.0 (28 637)19.1 (23 654)18.9 (4983)
 Most deprived25.2 (37 968)25.6 (31 748)23.6 (6220)
Comorbidity, % (N)
 HTN25.5 (38 399)21.6 (26 814)43.8 (11 585)<0.001
 CVD9.1 (13 635)7.4 (9220)16.7 (4415)<0.001
 DM15.6 (23 421)13.8 (17 100)23.9 (6321)<0.001
 CKD stages 3–54.1 (6098)3.2 (3918)8.2 (2180)<0.001
 Stroke2.4 (3583)2.0 (2458)4.3 (1125)<0.001
 Asthma8.5 (12 792)8.1 (10 012)10.5 (2780)<0.001
 COPD3.5 (5206)2.9 (3550)6.3 (1656)<0.001
 Dementia0.6 (920)0.5 (600)1.2 (320)<0.001
 SMI2.5 (3699)2.5 (3094)2.3 (605)0.510
 Cancer¶1.8 (2719)1.5 (1898)3.1 (821)<0.001
BPH, % (N)3.5 (5271)1.4 (1787)13.2 (3484)<0.001
Prostatitis, % (N)1.6 (2405)0.9 (1113)4.9 (1292)<0.001
Tamsulosin use, % (N)7.2 (10 825)3.2 (4021)25.7 (6804)<0.001
Finasteride use, % (N)2.4 (3610)1.1 (1419)8.3 (2191)<0.001
  • Bold typeface indicates significance at p≤0.05.

  • 2 between tested and untested groups.

  • †Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi or other Asian.

  • ‡11 462 BMI values missing.

  • §Townsend score quintiles (272 scores missing).

  • ¶Excludes benign or malignant prostate cancer.

  • BPH, benign prostate hypertrophy; CKD, chronic kidney disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DM, diabetes mellitus; HTN, hypertension; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; SMI, significant mental illness.