Table 2

Longitudinal assessment of measures and constructs used to evaluate the efficacy of the PREPARE study

ConstructMeasureNumber of itemsEnglish reliability/validitySpanish reliability/validityScreenerBaseline1 week3 months6 months12 months
Eligibility screening
Cognitive impairmentSPMSQ
3–7 moderate impairment → Mini-Cog
≥8 severe impairment=ineligible
7Sensitivity 86.2%, specificity 99.0%53X
Cognitive impairment (participants scoring 3–7 errors on SPMSQ)Mini-Cog (3-item recall as needed, if SPMSQ screen+for cognitive impairment)
If recall ≥2 words=eligible
3Sensitivity 76%, specificity 89%32Sensitivity 99%, specificity 93%54X
VisionAbility to see words on a newspaper521X
Health literacy screen for block randomisation (inadequate vs adequate)‘How comfortable are you filling out medical forms by yourself?’
‘Qué tan seguro(a) se siente al llenar formas usted solo(a)’
1AUROC 0.80 (95% CI 0.67 to 0.93) for inadequate health literacy55C-index=0.82, (0.77 to 0.87) for inadequate health literacy56X
Primary outcome
ACP documentationACP Engagement Survey:27
self-report: ACP documentation
ACP documentationChart review: ACP documentationXX
Secondary outcomes
The full ACP ProcessACP Engagement Survey:27
behaviour change process measures (knowledge, contemplation, self-efficacy, readiness)
Action measures: values identification and discussions
108Process measures:
Cronbach's α=0.94 (0.91 to 0.96), ICC=0.70 (0.54 to 0.82)27
Action measures:
ICC*=0.87 (0.79 to 0.92)27
Communication qualityCAHPS (eg, Did this provider explain things in a way that was easy to understand?)13Comparative Fit Index=0.98, Tucker Lewis Index=0.98
Cronbach's α≥0.70 for constructs39
Cronbach's α ≥0.70 for constructs and associated with global physician rating40XX
Satisfaction with communication(i.e, How satisfied are you that you could share your most important concerns with X/that X understood what was most important to you?)8XXXXX
Care consistent with current goalsCare consistent with goals:
comparing 10-point scales of patient ratings about aggressiveness of care desired and care currently receiving
Satisfaction with decision-makingDecisional Conflict Scale20Test–retest coefficient=0.81
Cronbach's α: 0.78–0.92 for total scale41
Cronbach's α=0.8057XXXX
DepressionPatient Health Questionnaire-88
Scores ≥10 100% sensitive and 95% specific for major depressive disorder42 43

Scores ≥10 77% sensitive and 100% specific for major depressive disorder58
AnxietyGAD-7447Cronbach's α=0.9244
Cronbach's α=0.8845
Barriers to ACPCheckbox of common barriers and one open-ended question13Associated with ACP59Associated with ACP59XX
Attitudes about ACPProcesses of change for ACP3134Responsive to an ACP intervention27XXXXX
Implementation: acceptabilityAcceptability and usability
(1) Ease of use and understanding
(2) Usefulness in decisions and discussions
(3) Attitudes about norms or expectations



1 factor explained 81–85% of variance/scale. Kuder-Richardson >0.7581 factor explained 81–85% of variance/scale. Kuder-Richardson >0.758X
Implementation: feasibilityFeasibility (both arms)
(eg, when and where to review ACP materials)
Feasibility (PREPARE only) (eg, when/where to review and which materials did you use and would recommend to others)

Surrogate reports of patient engagement in ACPModified from the ACP Engagement Survey,29 knowledge of patient's wishes, and confidence making decisions, 5-point Likert47X
Moderator variables
Health literacy assessments-TOFHLA scores 0–3660 Continuous and dichotomised to limited=0–22 and adequate=23–3636Cronbach's α=0.97
Correlation coefficient with other literacy tests >0.8060
Cronbach's α >0.9561X
Patient–clinician language concordanceTo clinicians: ‘How well do you speak Spanish?62 Fluently, very well (concordant) vs well, fair or poor’1AUROC† 94% (CI 90% to 98%)62AUROC† 94% (CI 90% to 98%)62X
Desired role in decision-makingCPS with clinicians and family632Correlation between preferred and actual roles in decision-making12 64 65Correlation between preferred and actual roles in decision-making66XX
US acculturationBased on acculturation scale (USAS) ‘How many years have you lived in the USA?’1Cronbach's α=0.98
Associated with desire to know prognosis67
Mediator variables
Baseline knowledgeKnowledge subscales of the ACP Engagement Survey276Cronbach's α=0.84 (0.76–0.90), ICC*=0.70 (0.50–0.82)27X
Baseline self-efficacySelf-efficacy subscales of the ACP Engagement Survey276Cronbach's α=0.83 (0.75–0.89), ICC*=0.60 (0.41–0.76)27X
Baseline readinessReadiness subscales of the ACP Engagement Survey2710Cronbach's α=0.92 (0.88–0.95), ICC*=0.60 (0.53–0.81)27X
Baseline ACP barriersCheckbox of 13 comment barriers5913Associated with ACP59X
Baseline attitudes about ACPProcesses of change for ACP3134Responsive to ACP intervention27X
Potential confounders
Functional statusADL and IADL measure (13-item)68 6913Morbidity/mortality correlation68 69Cronbach's α=0.9470X
Self-rated health statusHow would you rate your health? (5-point Likert)71 721Cronbach α=0.8072X
Self-rated quality of lifeHow would you rate your quality of life? (5-point Likert)72 731Test–retest coefficient=0.8173X
Comorbid illnessCharlson comorbidity score74 75
Elixhauser comorbidity score76 77
0Mortality c-stat:78

Prior ACP experiencePrior ACP experiences (eg,
(Ever had to make life-threatening medical decisions?)8
Social supportmMOS-SS7911Cronbach's α=0.88–0.9379Cronbach's α=0.9480X
Major life changesFor example, ‘In the past 12 months, have you or someone close to you been faced with a serious medical problem or diagnosis?’4X
Demographic information
Demographic informationAge, gender, race/ethnicity,81 income, marital status and educationXX
Religion/spiritualitySelf-reported extent of how spiritual/religious (five-point Likert) and role play in decision-making824Spirituality associated with quality of life. Religiosity associated with wanting all measures to extend life82X
Finances‘In general, how do your finances usually work out at the end of the month?’1Associated with functional impairment and comorbidity83X
Socioeconomic status and social standingSocial standing ladder (ie, place an ‘x’ where you think you stand relative to other people in society)1Associated with functional decline84X
  • If a validated Spanish version of a survey was not available, we translated the English version into Spanish.

  • *ICC=intraclass correlation.

  • †Area under the receiver operating curve (AUROC).

  • ‡While mediator variables, measured at baseline, may explain how or why a particular effect or relationship occurs, these variables may also be affected by the intervention and are therefore also considered secondary outcome variables measured over time (ie, knowledge, self-efficacy and readiness, as well as barriers and attitudes).

  • ACP, advance care planning; ADL, activities of daily living; CAHPS, Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems; CPS, Control Preference Scale; GAD-7, Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-Item Scale; IADL, instrumental activities of daily living; mMOS-SS, modified Medical Outcomes Study Social Support; SPMSQ, Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire; s-TOFHLA, Short form Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults; USAS, US Acculturation Scale.