Table 1

Questions about exposure to interpersonal violence in NorAQ

Emotional violence
 MildHave you experienced anybody systematically and for a long period trying to repress, degrade or humiliate you?
 ModerateHave you experienced anybody systematically and by threat or force trying to limit your contact with others or totally control what you may and may not do?
 SevereHave you experienced living in fear because somebody systematically and for a long period threatened you or somebody close to you?
Physical violence
 ModerateHave you experienced anybody hitting you with his/her fist(s) or with a hard object, kicking you, pushing you violently, giving you a beating, thrashing you or doing anything similar to you?
 SevereHave you experienced anybody threatening your life by, for instance, trying to strangle you, showing a weapon or knife, or by any other similar act?
Sexual violence
 MildHas anybody against your will touched parts of your body other than the genitals in a “sexual way” or forced you to touch other parts of his or her body in a ‘sexual way’?
 Mild/sexual humiliationHave you in any other way been sexually humiliated; for example, by being forced to watch a pornographic movie or similar against your will, forced to participate in a pornographic movie or similar, forced to show your body naked or forced to watch when somebody else showed his/her body naked?
 ModerateHas anybody against your will touched your genitals, used your body to satisfy him/herself sexually or forced you to touch anybody else's genitals?
 SevereHas anybody against your will put his penis into your vagina, mouth or rectum or tried any of this, or put in or tried to put an object or other part of the body into your vagina, mouth or rectum?
  • The word ‘vagina’ was omitted from the male version of the questionnaire.

  • NorAQ, NorVold Abuse Questionnaire.