Table 4

Comparison of women's deaths in the selective iron group to the routine iron group, overall and by the probability score of matching in the death register, numbers (%) of deaths and risk ratios (RR, 95% CIs CI)

 Goodness of matching trial women to death registers*
Best and second best matchingBest, second best and third best matchingAll matched women
Selective iron
n (%)
Routine iron
n (%)
Selective iron
n (%)
Routine iron
n (%)
Selective iron
n (%)
Routine iron
n (%)
Death of woman during pregnancy or <42 days postpartum18 (0.8)8 (0.37)25 (1.2)14 (0.6)31 (1.4)17 (0.8)
Death of woman 42–365 days postpartum57 (2.7)52 (2.4)78 (3.6)74 (3.4)92 (4.3)87 (4.0)
Death of woman during pregnancy or up to 365 days postpartum75 (3.5)60 (2.7)103 (4.8)88 (4.0)123 (5.7)104 (4.8)
Death of woman during pregnancy or <42 days postpartum RR†2.30 (1.00–5.27)1.82 (0.95–3.49)1.86 (1.03–3.35)
Death of woman 42–365 days postpartum RR†1.12 (0.77–1.62)1.07 (0.79–1.47)1.08 (0.81–1.44)
Death of woman during pregnancy or up to 365 days postpartumRR†1.28 (0.91–1.78)1.19 (0.90–1.57)1.21 (0.94–1.55)
  • *The number of women who were matched against the death registers was 4326, 2142 in the selective iron group and 2184 in the routine iron group. In total, 227 deaths were identified: 63 deaths were matched using the best probability score (3 deaths originally recorded during the trial were included in the best matching group, 71 second best, 56 third best and 36 with the lowest probability. 1matched woman, for whom the probability of matching was lacking, was included only in the total “All matched women.”

  • †Routine iron group was used as the reference.