Table 1

Process measures

MeasureMeasure in sample of 10 patients per week randomly selected from all discharges for the weekDetail
1Percentage of patients with pharmacist-verified reconciliation on admissionPharmacist has documented on ePR that they have checked the admission medication list with the patient and verified with a second source and clarified or resolved any discrepancies on the inpatient order with the prescriber
2Percentage of patients with pharmacist-verified reconciliation at discharge out of the total number of patients sampledReconciliation at discharge is possible only for patients with a verified admissions medication list. For this measure, any change to any admission medicine, dose, frequency or route is confirmed by a pharmacist as intentional and documented clearly on the discharge summary as such
3Percentage of patients with error-free TTO prescriptionsTTO has no unexplained discrepancy compared with the verified list of medicines on admission. The reason is stated for any omission, change in dose, frequency or route; course lengths and monitoring advice are given where needed. If no reason is given for a discrepancy then the patient does not have an error-free prescription
4Percentage of medications unreconciled at discharge out of the total number of medicines within the sample of 10 discharge summaries per weekMeasure 4 is directly related to measure 3. The number of individual medicines unreconciled were recorded. Patients on no medicines were included in the study; medicines reconciliation was considered reliable only if ‘nil regular medication’ was verified and documented as such
5Percentage of medications with an error (or omission) on TTO out of the total number of medicines within the sample of 10 discharge summaries per weekMeasure 5 is directly related to measure 3. The number of individual medicines with an error or omitted without explanation were recorded. For each patient, several medicines may be prescribed in error or omitted from the TTO
  • ePR, electronic prescribing system; TTO, take-home medicines