Table 1

Outcomes: GP episodes (CPRD), hospitalisations (HES) and deaths (ONS)

OutcomeICD-10 codesGP (CPRD)*Hospitalisation (HES)†Deaths (ONS)
Respiratory outcomes
 Respiratory diseaseJ00-99X‡XX
 Cardiorespiratory diseaseI00-99, J00-99XX
 Acute upper respiratory diseaseJ00, J02-06X
 Pneumonia and influenzaJ09-18XXX
 Bronchitis/bronchiolitisJ20-22, J40XXX
 Chronic respiratory diseaseJ41-47XXX
Drug prescriptions
 Antibiotics (broad-spectrum penicillins, macrolides, tetracyclines)§X
Non-respiratory control outcomes
 Otitis mediaH65-66, H70XX
 AccidentsV00-99, X00-99, Y00-99X
 Urinary tract infectionN39XXX
  • CPRD does not provide any ranking of diagnostic codes. HES database outcomes listed as the primary discharge diagnosis were studied. ONS database outcomes listed as any mention of the outcome as the cause of death were studied.

  • *Any CPRD GP episode, including office visits, home visits, telephone consults and other types, for participants with participants registered with research quality data in CPRD. CPRD diagnostic data are coded using READ codes. CPRD diagnostic and antibiotic codes are available on request.

  • †Only unscheduled, ‘emergency’ hospitalisations were included.

  • ‡Respiratory disease was broadly defined to consider CPRD READ codes corresponding to all ICD-listed codes related to respiratory disease as well as READ codes corresponding to selected symptoms and diagnoses in the CPRD (see description of selection procedure in Methods): these included cough, breathing abnormalities, viral infections, sepsis and septicaemia.

  • §Antibiotics relevant to respiratory disease.

  • CPRD, clinical practice research datalink; GP, general practice; HES, hospital episode statistics; ICD10, international classification of diseases V.10; ONS, office of national statistics.