Table 5

Predictors of violence exposure

Class 3Class 1Class 2
RRR (SE)95% CIp ValueRRR (SE)95% CIp Value
Sex (female)Reference group3.44 (0.58)2.48 to 4.78<0.0010.95 (0.11)0.75 to 1.200.663
Age1.01 (0.04)0.93 to 1.090.8190.94 (0.03)0.88 to 1.000.044
Ever worked for money (yes)1.97 (0.24)1.54 to 2.51<0.0011.55 (0.15)1.29 to 1.86<0.001
Number of meals eaten yesterday0.261*
 3 meals Reference category
 2 meals1.09 (0.13)0.88 to 1.370.4271.02 (0.10)0.85 to 1.240.774
 1 meal1.30 (0.20)0.96 to 1.770.0891.21 (0.17)0.91 to 1.600.187
Number of children sharing sleeping area0.001*
 0 Reference category
 11.00 (0.12)0.79 to 1.260.9871.11 (0.12)0.90 to 1.380.330
 2–40.62 (0.09)0.47 to 0.810.0010.89 (0.10)0.71 to 1.120.329
 5–70.65 (0.16)0.39 to 1.060.0861.04 (0.24)0.66 to 1.650.868
 8+0.53 (0.13)0.33 to 0.850.0090.70 (0.16)0.45 to 1.080.109
Disability (yes)1.04 (0.17)0.75 to 1.430.8181.17 (0.15)0.90 to 1.510.235
Absent on 1 or more days in past week1.31 (0.17)1.02 to 1.670.0311.34 (0.14)1.10 to 1.630.004
Low performer on educational tests (yes)0.70 (0.13)0.49 to 1.020.0630.78 (0.13)0.56 to 1.090.146
SDQ total score1.09 (0.01)1.07 to 1.11<0.0011.11 (0.01)1.09 to 1.13<0.001
  • *Overall p value for the categorical variable.

  • SDQ, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.