Table 1

Mapping of data to theoretical constructs: examples

ConstructSample response from participant
Health belief model
 Perceived susceptibilityMy child is not at risk of drowning
 Perceived severityChild drowning is a serious issue
 Perceived benefitsSupervising young children around water prevents drowning
 Perceived barriersOther people that I know do not believe that young child can drown in shallow water
 Cues to actionSeeing this advertisement reminds me to supervise my child around water
 Self-efficacyI am able to prevent my child from drowning
Social cognitive theory
 EnvironmentThere are lots of places a child could drown in and around my home
 Behavioural capabilityI do not know how much water a young child could drown in
 Outcome expectationsSupervising my child around water can prevent drowning
 Observational learningThe celebrities in the advertisement supervise their children
 Self-efficacyI am able to prevent my child from drowning
 Emotional coping responsesI turn off the television when I see disturbing images