Table 1

Overview of criteria to be met for each diagnostic category

Full syndromeOSFEDPartial syndromeSubthreshold syndrome
ANAll AN criteria must be met according to DSM-5
Body weight <10th BMI centile
AN criteria B and C must be met according to DSM-5
Body weight <50th BMI centile
Two AN criteria must be met
(cognitive criteria: B and C)*
All AN criteria must be met on a lower level of severity
Body weight <-1 BMI-SDS
BNAll BN criteria must be met according to DSM-5BN criteria A, B, D and E must be met according to DSM-5
Binge eating and purging behaviour must occur 1–4 times per month
At least three BN criteria must be met
(behavioural criteria: A, B, C)*
All BN criteria must be met on a lower level of severity/duration
BEDAll BED criteria must be met according to DSM-5BED criteria A, B, D and E must be met according to DSM-5
Binge eating and purging behaviour must occur 1–4 times per month
At least three BED criteria must be met
(behavioural criteria: A, B, D, E)*
All BED criteria must be met on a lower level of severity/duration
PDPurging behaviour (self-induced vomiting, intake of appetite suppressants or fasting) must occur at least twice per week, no binge eating
  • *Additional analysis for cognitive/behavioural symptoms only in order to obtain more detailed information.

  • AN, anorexia nervosa; BED, binge eating disorder; BMI, body mass index; BN, bulimia nervosa; DSM-5, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Fifth Edition; PD, purging disorder; OSFED, Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder; SDS, Standard Deviation Scores.