Table 2

Measurements obtained at different phases of the SaMi-Trop study

Baseline: 2013–2014Questionnaires with sociodemographic information, social determinants of health, health-related behaviours (smoking, alcohol consumption and physical activity), self-reported comorbidities, medication use, history of previous treatment for Chagas disease, signs and symptoms, functional class (Cardiovascular Functional Class Scale)19 and quality of life (WHO-QOL-BREF)20
Blood collection: immunoassays, PCR for T. cruzi, NT-ProBNP
Follow-up: 2015–2016Questionnaires with sociodemographic information, social determinants of health, health-related behaviours, self-reported comorbidities, medication use, signs and symptoms since baseline. Functional class and quality of life
Vital status, history of health service utilisation, including hospital admissiona, health literacy (Short Assessment of Health Literacy)21
Blood collection: NT-ProBNP
  • NT-ProBNP, N-terminal of the prohormone brain natriuretic peptide; SaMi-Trop, São Paulo-Minas Gerais Tropical Medicine Research Center; T. cruzi, Trypanosoma cruzi; WHO-QOL-BREF, WHO Quality of Life-BREF.