Table 5

Methods for objective 5

ObjectiveSampleData collection
  • To explore how and why practices maintained (or did not maintain) reach and delivery of the intervention

Case study practicesQuantitative data:
  • Number of reviews delivered month by month over the course of the intervention

  • Proportion of participating patients given a 3D review every 6 months

  • Proportion of 3D patients’ appointments that are with designated nurse or GP

  • Proportion of pharmacy reviews completed

  • Proportion of 3D patients screened for depression

  • Proportion of 3D patients receiving an agenda completed with their problems to take to part 2 of the review

  • Proportion of 3D patients receiving a health plan and provided with a printed copy

  • Number of practice champion meetings attended

  • Qualitative data:

  • Semistructured interview towards the end of the trial period with the 3D lead GP and lead administrator in each case study practice to explore how the practice accommodated 3D, what problems were encountered and what facilitated or hindered maintenance of the intervention

  • Semistructured interview with at least 1 nurse and GP from each case study practice who have delivered the intervention (same sample as in 3G) to explore their perceptions of how well the intervention was accommodated within the practice structures and how it affected their role and practice

  • Informal interview with research associate for each site. This may be undertaken at more than 1 time point to obtain their views about the implementation and maintenance of the intervention in each case study practice and any particular difficulties or facilitating factors they have identified.

  • 3D, dimensions of health, drugs and depression; GP, general practitioner.