Table 3

Summary of anonymised routinely-collected data by site

Control (n=55)Intervention (n=44)p Value
Male24 (43.6%)*23 (52.3%)0.393†
Age (years)76.6 (14.4)75.4 (12.3)0.661‡
Stroke type0.259§
 TACS27 (49.1%)19 (43.4%)
 PACS24 (43.6%)21 (47.7%)
 POCS01 (2.3%)
 LACS1 (1.8%)3 (6.8%)
 Missing3 (5.5%)0
LOS on unit36.5 (31.8)38.6 (31.4)0.329¶
TOMS on admission
 I1 (0.5–3)3 (1–3.5)0.003¶
 A1.5 (0.5–3)3 (1–4)<0.001¶
 P1 (0.5–3)3 (1–4)0.003¶
 WB3 (2–4)4 (3–4)0.018¶
TOMS on discharge
 I2.75 (1–3.5)3.25 (1.5–4)0.061¶
 A2.5 (1.25–3.5)3.5 (2–4)0.012¶
 P3 (1.25–4)4 (2–4)0.079¶
 WB4 (2–5)4 (3–4.5)0.514¶
Change in TOMS
 I0.5 (0–1)0.25 (0–0.5)0.119¶
 A0.5 (0–1)0.25 (0–1)0.214¶
 P0.5 (0–1.5)0 (0–1)0.046¶
 WB0 (0–1)0 (0–0.5)0.193¶
  • *Values are n (%) for binary/categorical variables and either mean (SD) or median (IQR) for continuous outcomes.

  • 2 test.

  • †t test.

  • ‡Fishers exact test.

  • ¶Mann-Whitney test.

  • A, activity; I, impairment; LACS, lacunar stroke; PACS, partial anterior infarct; POCS, posterior circulation stroke; P, participation; TACS, total anterior infarct; TOMS, Therapy Outcome Measures at admission; WB, Well-being.