Table 1

Key word search

SearchKey words
1Medical Student* ‘OR’ Phase II Student* ‘OR’ Undergraduate*
2Clinician* ‘OR’ Doctor* ‘OR’ Physician* ‘OR’ Trainee* ‘OR’ Surgeon*
3ENT ‘OR’ Otorhinolaryngology ‘OR’ Otolaryngology
4Undergraduate Medical Education ‘OR’ Medical School* ‘OR’ Curricul* ‘OR’ Teaching ‘OR’ Learning ‘OR’ Programme evaluation ‘OR’ Clinical Confidence ‘OR’ National Health Service
5UK ‘OR’ Great Britain
6(1 ‘OR’ 2) ‘AND’ 3 ‘AND’ 4 ‘AND’ 5
  • ‘OR’ and ‘AND’ are Boolean operators.

  • *Indicates truncation.

  • ENT, ear, nose and throat.