Table 2

Estimates of the pooled mean difference and 95% LoA between the temporal artery thermometer and reference standard. Random-effects meta-analysis*

Pooled mean difference, °C
(95% limits of agreement)
Number of comparisons
Overall−0.19 (−1.16 to 0.77)43
Subgroup analysis
Reference standards†
 Rectal−0.19 (−1.21 to 0.81)23
 Oesophagus−0.03 (−0.43 to 0.36)2
 Bladder−0.17 (−1.30 to 0.95)8
 Nasopharynx0.09 (−0.73 to 0.91)3
 Pulmonary artery−0.40 (−1.30 to 0.51)6
Patient factors
 Children−0.20 (−1.17 to 0.76)26
 Adults−0.17 (−1.14 to 0.79)17
Febrile status
 Febrile−0.31 (−1.22 to 0.59)9
 Afebrile0.07 (−0.72 to 0.86)12
 Mixed−0.28 (−1.37 to 0.79)22
Thermometer factors‡
 TAT-5000−0.10 (−1.09 to 0.89)22
 Other−0.27 (−1.23 to 0.67)20
  • *Random-effects pooled estimates are calculated according to Williamson et al.9

  • †One study used the brain.

  • ‡Thermometer type was unclear in one study.

  • LoA, limits of agreement; TAT, temporal artery thermometers.