Table 5

Ordered logistic regression results examining demographic, facility, visit, and perceived quality of care as predictors of overall patient satisfaction

Non-HIV servicesHIV servicesAll patients
OR(95% CI)OR(95% CI)OR(95% CI)
Perceived quality (% very good/excellent)
 Health personnel practices and conduct3.53***(2.34 to 5.33)11.00***(3.97 to 30.51)4.08***(2.64 to 6.30)
 Adequacy of resources and services1.66*(1.08 to 2.55)4.68**(1.81 to 12.10)2.15***(1.48 to 3.11)
 Healthcare delivery1.75*(1.13 to 2.70)1.02(0.47 to 2.24)1.68*(1.06 to 2.67)
 Accessibility of care2.49***(1.64 to 3.76)1.24(0.46 to 3.37)2.08***(1.45 to 2.98)
 Cost of care1.42(0.94 to 2.16)1.05(0.27 to 4.15)1.17(0.78 to 1.77)
Facility characteristics
 MOH managed (ref: private/NGO)0.41***(0.27 to 0.64)0.77(0.45 to 1.33)0.6(0.29 to 1.24)
 Rural (ref: urban)0.69*(0.48 to 0.99)0.26***(0.16 to 0.41)0.47***(0.32 to 0.69)
 Hospital (ref: health centre or post)1.78***(1.27 to 2.48)0.93(0.63 to 1.39)1.3(0.88 to 1.93)
Patient characteristics
 Age1(0.99 to 1.00)1(0.97 to 1.02)1(0.99 to 1.00)
 Male respondent1.19(0.98 to 1.45)1.12(0.63 to 1.99)1.22*(1.01 to 1.47)
 Education of respondent (ref: none)
  Primary0.82(0.58 to 1.14)1.33(0.46 to 3.85)0.89(0.66 to 1.19)
  Post-primary0.66*(0.46 to 0.96)1.31(0.42 to 4.09)0.75(0.53 to 1.05)
 Self-rated very good or excellent health1.29*(1.01 to 1.66)2.68**(1.35 to 5.30)1.34**(1.11 to 1.62)
 Ethnicity (ref: other)
  Tonga0.81(0.65 to 1.02)0.583*(0.37 to 0.93)0.84(0.69 to 1.03)
  Chewa Nyanja0.85(0.62 to 1.16)0.8(0.47 to 1.35)1.06(0.84 to 1.33)
 Patient respondent (ref: attendant)0.89(0.70 to 1.13)2.21(0.98 to 5.01)0.93(0.73 to 1.18)
Visit characteristics
 Travelled an hour or more0.96(0.77 to 1.21)0.83(0.48 to 1.44)0.89(0.72 to 1.10)
 Waited an hour or more1.12(0.89 to 1.41)0.68(0.41 to 1.14)0.96(0.79 to 1.16)
 Saw doctor or CO (ref: nurse/other)0.86(0.62 to 1.19)1.3(0.57 to 2.96)0.9(0.61 to 1.32)
  • The exponentiated coefficients shown here can be interpreted as the OR of giving a higher overall rating, for a one-unit increase in the predictor variable.

  • *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001.

  • CO, clinical officer; MOH, Ministry of Health, Zambian government; NGO, non-governmental organisation.