Table 2

Interview guide for women according to Michie's theoretical domains

Theoretical domainsInterview prompts
KnowledgeWhat is the ECP?
How long after unprotected sex can you take the ECP?
Where would you get the ECP from?
Did you know the ECP is available without a prescription from a pharmacy?
SkillsHave you ever taken the ECP? From where? When?
(Note: if they got it from pharmacy—then the question is complete. If they got it from somewhere else, and didn’t know about pharmacy access—then ask would they if they could?)
Beliefs about capabilitiesWhat can be done to increase someone's capability to access the ECP from a pharmacy?
Beliefs about consequencesAre there any advantages or disadvantages in trying to access the ECP via a pharmacy instead of a health clinic or doctor?
Behavioural regulationWe want women to know that it is easy, convenient and fast to get the ECP from pharmacies. What factors are important to you if you had to get the ECP from a pharmacy?
(Prompt: good factors include convenient location, fast service, avoidance of doctor's visit and so on; bad factors include lack of privacy, fear of judgement and so on)
Social/professional role and identityWhat skills do you think a pharmacist should have when providing the ECP?
Who do you think has the skills to provide the ECP?
Environmental context and resourcesIs there anything about the pharmacy environment that concerns you?
What information do you think a pharmacist should be able to provide you with?
Social influencesDo you know people who have accessed the ECP from a pharmacy? What problems did they encounter? Have their experiences facilitated or hindered you in accessing the ECP?
Nature of the behavioursWhat do pharmacies have to do differently to improve awareness of and access to the ECP?
  • ECP, emergency contraceptive pill.