Table 2

Descriptive statistics for sociodemographic, behavioural and physical environmental characteristics for sample (n=1906)

Gender (%)
Participant age (years)
 45 to 6442.8
Education level achieved (%)
 High school or less30.1
Annual gross household income (%)
 <$60 000/year29.8
 $60 000–119 999/year32.2
 ≥$120 000/year29.3
 Don’t know/refused8.7
Children at home <18 years of age (%)
 No child66.6
 At least one child33.4
Marital status (%)
 Married/living together69.3
Ethnicity (%)
Dog ownership (%)
Registered motorised vehicles at home (%)
 No motor vehicle3.5
 One motor vehicles31.5
 Two motor vehicles46.3
 At least three vehicles18.7
Moderate-intensity physical activity (%), min/week
Vigorous-intensity physical activity (%), min/week
Self-rated health (%)
 Very good/excellent43.9
Body mass index (%)
 Healthy weight37.4
 Leisure-based screen time/day (median/mean±SD)1.43/1.77±1.52
Season survey completed (%)
Objectively assessed neighbourhood walkability (%)
Self-reported neighbourhood walkability (%)