Table 1

CTA indicators (and aggregated sets of indicators) by compliance

Indicator numberIndicator and sets of indicatorsEligible encounters (N)Compliant encounters (N)Compliance* (%)95% confidence limits† (%)
45–48Patients undergoing certain orthopaedic procedures or care received appropriate pharmacological anticoagulant therapy55346248–75
45Patients who had a hip arthroplasty have received anticoagulant therapy for up to 35 days‡2212Insufficient data to report
46Patients who had hip fracture surgery have received anticoagulant therapies for up to 35 days§22Insufficient data to report
47Patients who had a knee arthroplasty received anticoagulant therapies for up to 28 days¶2416Insufficient data to report
48Patients who had a lower limb fracture received anticoagulant therapies for at least 5 days or until fully mobile§74Insufficient data to report
62, 68–70, 73–75Patients undergoing certain orthopaedic procedures or care received appropriate mechanical anticoagulant therapy104494737–57
62Patients having a total hip replacement have been prescribed graduation compression stockings2019Insufficient data to report
68Patients having a total hip replacement have been prescribed an intermittent pneumatic compression device1811Insufficient data to report
69Patients having hip fracture surgery have been prescribed an intermittent pneumatic compression device31Insufficient data to report
70Patients having a total knee replacement have been prescribed an intermittent pneumatic compression device2115Insufficient data to report
73Patients having a total hip replacement have been prescribed a foot pump181Insufficient data to report
74Patients having a total knee replacement have been prescribed a foot pump222Insufficient data to report
75Patients having hip fracture surgery have been prescribed a foot pump20Insufficient data to report
49–54Patients undergoing non-orthopaedic surgical procedures (general, gynaecological, abdominal, cardiac, thoracic or vascular, trauma or spinal surgery) or who had cancer and underwent surgery received appropriate pharmacological anticoagulant therapy226763427–41
49Patients who had a general surgical procedure received anticoagulant therapies (unless contraindicated) until hospital discharge or fully mobile**55193522–49
50Patients who had gynaecological surgery received anticoagulant therapies (unless contraindicated) until hospital discharge or fully mobile**265Insufficient data to report
51Patients who had abdominal surgery received anticoagulant therapies (unless contraindicated) until hospital discharge or fully mobile**61294818–78
52Patients who had cardiac, thoracic or vascular surgery received anticoagulant therapies (unless contraindicated) until hospital discharge or fully mobile**31123916–66
53Patients who had trauma or spinal surgery received anticoagulant therapies started after primary haemostasis was established (unless contraindicated) until hospital discharge or fully mobile**180Insufficient data to report
54Patients who have cancer that underwent surgery received one of the following anticoagulant therapies (unless contraindicated) until hospital discharge or fully mobile**3511315–74
63–67, 71–72Patients undergoing non-orthopaedic surgical procedures received appropriate mechanical anticoagulant therapy2941766052–67
63Patients having general surgery have been prescribed graduated compression stockings72638878–94
64Patients having gynaecological surgery have been prescribed graduation compression stockings2821Insufficient data to report
65Patients having abdominal surgery have been prescribed graduation compression stockings66487346–91
66Patients having cardiac, thoracic or vascular surgery have been prescribed graduation compression stockings5217332–85
67Patients having neurosurgery have been prescribed graduation compression stockings1311Insufficient data to report
71Patients having cardiac, thoracic or vascular surgery have been prescribed an intermittent pneumatic compression device507142–41
72Patients having neurosurgery have been prescribed an intermittent pneumatic compression devices139Insufficient data to report
55–61Medical patients admitted to hospital with certain conditions received appropriate pharmacological anticoagulant therapy167774636–57
55Medical patients admitted to hospital with ischaemic stroke received anticoagulant therapies until resolution of the acute medical illness or until hospital discharge††51Insufficient data to report
56Medical patients admitted to hospital with myocardial infarct (where full anticoagulant is not in use) received anticoagulant therapies until resolution of the acute medical illness or until hospital discharge††156Insufficient data to report
57General medical patients admitted to hospital assessed as being at risk of VTE received anticoagulant therapies until resolution of the acute medical illness or until hospital discharge††84435140–62
58Medical patients admitted to hospital with active cancer received anticoagulant therapies until resolution of the acute medical illness or until hospital discharge††238Insufficient data to report
59Medical patients admitted to hospital with decompensated cardiac failure received anticoagulant therapies until resolution of the acute medical illness or until hospital discharge††73Insufficient data to report
60Medical patients admitted to hospital with acute on chronic lung disease received anticoagulant therapies until resolution of the acute medical illness or until hospital discharge††31154830–67
61Medical patients admitted to hospital with acute on chronic inflammatory disease received anticoagulant therapies until resolution of the acute medical illness or until hospital discharge††21Insufficient data to report
76–80Patients with suspected PE/DVT were managed with appropriate investigations, or had anticoagulant therapy started as soon as clinically suspected; or if PE/DVT confirmed, were managed appropriately89576451–76
76Patients with a suspected DVT had a venous duplex ultrasound performed1210Insufficient data to report
77Patients with a suspected PE had investigations performed‡‡2117Insufficient data to report
78Patients with a suspected DVT or PE where ultrasound was delayed, had anticoagulant therapy started (unless contraindicated) as soon as clinically suspected108Insufficient data to report
79Patients with a confirmed DVT/PE received anticoagulant therapies§§63Insufficient data to report
80Patients who were administered heparin therapy had it continued until the INR had been therapeutic for 48 h (INR range 2.0–3.0)40194826–70
Patients discharged on anticoagulant therapy have an appropriate documented care plan including details on the intended duration of treatment AND a review date¶¶70324631–61
43Patients who are discharged on anticoagulant therapy have a documented care plan that includes details on the intended duration of treatment73435946–71
44Patients who are discharged on anticoagulant therapy have a documented care plan that includes a review date70355029–71
  • Bold typeface indicates the aggregated indicators.

  • *Percentage compliance calculated as the number of compliant encounters/number of eligible encounters ×100.

  • †Compliance and per cent of compliance were not calculated for <30 encounters.

  • ‡Enoxaparin 40 mg/day; dalteparin 5000 U/day; LDUH 5000 u three times a day; fondiparinux 2.5 mg/day (started 6–8 h postoperatively); rivaroxaban (orally); dabigatran (orally).

  • §Enoxaparin 40 mg/day; dalteparin 5000 U/day; LDUH 5000 u three times a day; fondiparinux 2.5 mg/day (started 6–8 h postoperativey).

  • ¶Enoxaparin 40 mg/day; dalteparin 5000 U/day; LDUH 5000 u three times a day; fondiparinux 2.5 mg/day (started 6–8 h postoperatively); rivaroxaban(orally); dabigatran (orally).

  • **Enoxaparin 20 mg/day; dalteparin 2500 U/day.

  • ††Enoxaparin 40 mg/day; dalteparin 5000 U/day; LDUH 5000 U two times or three times a day; assumed implicit and explicit risk assessments included.

  • ‡‡One of: ventilation perfusion scan; CT angiography; pulmonary angiography.

  • §§Heparin administered together with warfarin for at least 5 days; unfractionated heparin intravenous (APTT) or subcutaneous (dose/kg); LMWH subcutaneously at least once daily.

  • ¶¶Compliance for this aggregated indicator was both indicators 43 and 44 were compliant for a participant in an episode of hospitalisation. In other aggregated indicators, compliance was measured by adding each individual encounter as each episode of hospitalisation was an independent event.

  • APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; DVT, deep venous thrombosis; INR, international normalised ratio; LDUH, low-dose unfractionated heparin; LMWH, low molecular weight heparin; PE, pulmonary embolism; VTE, venous thromboembolism.