Table 2

Characteristics of contributors in the Spanish WORKing life Social Security (WORKss) Cohort in 2004

n (%)
Employment status
 Employed789 297 (93.9)
 Unemployed51 473 (6.1)
Social Security plan
 Employed605 423 (76.7)
 Self-employed183 874 (23.3)
Type of contract
 Permanent374 710 (61.9)
 Temporary230 713 (38.1)
Economic sector
 Agriculture, fisheries and extractive industries27 715 (3.5)
 Manufacturing110 796 (14.0)
 Production and distribution of energy5789 (0.7)
 Building trade97 246 (12.3)
 Commerce136 743 (17.3)
 Catering trade, transportation and telecommunications109 707 (13.9)
 Finance16 073 (2.0)
 Real estate89 323 (11.3)
 Public administration41 716 (5.3)
 Education, health, community service and home care109 152 (13.8)
 Not informed62 (0.0)
Socio-occupational class
 Skilled non-manual101 829 (16.8)
 Skilled manual201 720 (33.3)
 Unskilled non-manual195 230 (32.3)
 Unskilled manual106 543 (17.6)
Total840 770 (100.0)