Table 12

Summary of number of annotations generated from NLP applications in the SLaM BRC Case Register*

Application nameTotal number of instances generatedNumber of patients with at least one instance generated
MMSE107 38424 705
Diagnosis615 23778 851
Smoking670 05352 700
Education181 90551 665
Medication (selected)†
 Olanzapine371 75425 697
 Citalopram144 07224 363
 Mirtazapine135 30923 710
 Risperidone240 06822 046
 Zopiclone129 48820 712
 Diazepam129 40917 841
 Lorazepam119 35715 637
 Fluoxetine96 25815 527
 Sertraline95 38113 600
 Promethazine112 25612 861
 Clonazepam111 2799679
 Quetiapine98 5099503
 Aripiprazole90 8668737
 Haloperidol53 9367591
 Amisulpride58 7516759
 Methadone128 1326385
 Flupentixol25 5765248
 Clozapine111 1704364
 Zuclopenthixol18 0993093
  • *The CRIS database is updated every 24 h, so numbers are dynamic and displayed for illustrative purposes. NLP application run dates as follows: MMSE (24 June 2014), diagnosis (20 June 2014), smoking (17 July 2014), education (30 June 2014), medication (16 June 2014). †Most frequent 15 agents plus those evaluated in table 11.

  • CRIS, Clinical Record Interactive Search; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; NLP, natural language processing; SLaM BRC, South London and Maudsley National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust Biomedical Research Centre.