Table 3

Birth outcomes for the Aboriginal Families Study (AFS) cohort compared to Australian reference data and differentially according to whether cannabis and cigarettes were used in pregnancy

  AFS cohort
 Birth outcomes for those using
Australian reference data10Cannabis (with or without cigarettes)Cigarettes onlyNeither
Full cohort(20.5%)(31.9%)(47.6%)
MeanNMean(SD)Mean(SD)Mean(SD)Mean(SD)p Value*
Gestational age (weeks)38.8%30838.7%†2.7%37.8%3.8%39.0%2.0%38.9%2.3%0.014
Birth weight (g)33673153209‡698278173332675793345690<0.001
Gestation at birth
 Preterm (<37 weeks)8.5%3611.7%§19.1%8.3%10.7%0.245
 Term (≥37 and <42 weeks)90.9%26887.0%79.4%89.6%88.6%
 Post-term (≥42 weeks)0.6%41.3%1.6%2.1%0.7%
Infant birth weight
 Low (<2500 g)6.2%4313.7%¶35.5%9.1%7.8%<0.001
 Appropriate (≥2500 and <4000 g)82.3%24176.5%59.7%81.8%79.9%
 High (≥4000 g)11.5%319.8%4.8%9.1%12.3%
Weight for gestational age
 Small (<10th centile)10.0%6421.6%**38.6%22.6%14.3%0.004
 Appropriate (≥10th and <90th centile)80.0%21070.7%54.4%72.0%76.2%
 Large (≥90th centile)10.0%237.7%7.0%5.4%9.5%
  • *p Value comparing mothers who used cannabis, cigarettes or neither during pregnancy (Wald test from linear regression for continuous birth outcomes, χ2 test for categorised birth outcomes).

  • †p Value from one sample t test comparing mean gestational age to full cohort to Australian reference data=0.498.

  • ‡p Value from one sample t test comparing mean birth weight to Australian reference data <0.001.

  • §p Value from binomial probability test comparing proportion of preterm births to Australian reference data=0.052.

  • ¶p Value from binomial probability test comparing proportion of low birth weight to Australian reference data <0.001.

  • **p Value from binomial probability test comparing proportion SGA to Australian reference data <0.001.