Table 3

Cost distributions, divided in fall fix costs and daily costs

Fall fix costsPer case*Daily costsPer dayPer case*
Information dissemination€96.52Isolation opportunity costs (blocked beds in shared rooms)€0€0
Figureheads€6.66Isolation materials€24.70€4033.51
Info sheets€13.31Caps€2.39€390.29
Informative consultations of staff€55.47Masks€2.91€475.20
Informative consultations of others€21.08Coats€16.79€2741.81
Medical equipment (opportunity costs for patient-related uses)€137.35Glows€1.19€194.33
Sphygmomanometer with stethoscope€60.00Foot lets€1.42€231.89
Heart rate monitor€4.35Staff capacity€43.95€7177.04
Blood glucose meter€35.00Cleaning€2.22€362.53
Thermometer€38.00Donning and doffing of personal protective equipment€41.73€6814.51
Total of fall fix costs€233.87Disinfection material€1.78€290.67
Hand disinfection€0.20€32.66
Surface disinfection€1.08€176.36
Clothes disinfection€0.50€81.65
Towel (8 times daily)€2.22€362.53
Bath towel (once a week)(Daily share €0.07)€11.43
Bed linen€2.63€429.48
Preparation of special diet€0.88€143.70
Total of daily costs€76.23€12 448.36
  • *Average duration per case: 163.3 days.