TableĀ 1

Data extraction variables

ContentData items
Prospective study informationAuthor(s)
Year of publication
Surgical procedureDescription of surgical procedure, for example, discectomy, microdiscectomy
Mean duration of symptomsMean and SD in months for duration of symptoms prior to surgery
Number of participantsN=?
SettingNature of clinical setting
Intervention during follow-up phaseReported surgical, pharmacological or conservative management during follow-up phase
Pain outcome measureDetail of pain outcome measure
Disability outcome measureDetail of disability outcome measure
BaselineDetail of preoperative timing of baseline assessment
Follow-up assessment pointsDetail of timing of postoperative timing of follow-up assessments
Losses to follow-upDetail of losses to follow-up at postoperative assessment points
ResultsMean and SD of outcomes at baseline and follow-up assessment points