Table 2

Participant demographics across the four sites, presented by group, collated to protect anonymity

Stakeholder Group*NAge (years)GenderSelf-declared ethnicity†
Trainees (F1 and FRTD)6720–24 (9%)
25–29 (58%)
30–34 (19%)
35+ (14%)
Male (37%)
Female (63%)
British (77%)
Other (23%)
Healthcare stakeholders (CE, D_FP, HCP, GVT, EMP)9320–29 (2%)
30–39 (13%)
40–49 (22%)
50–59 (44%)
60+ (11%)
Missing (8%)
Male (59%)
Female (41%)
British (82%)
Other (15%)
Missing (1%)

2530–49 (4%)
50–59 (16%)
60+ (72%)
Missing (8%)
Male (32%)
Female (68%)
British (96%)
Other (0%)
Missing (4%)
  • *A more detailed breakdown, by site, is available in the project final report.7

  • †Owing to rounding, total percentages may not always equal 100%.

  • CE, Clinical Educators; D_FP, undergraduate/postgraduate Deans, and Foundation Programme Directors; EMP, Employers; F1, F1 Doctors; FRTD, Fully Registered Trainee Doctors; GVT, Policy and Government; HCP, Other Healthcare Professionals; PPR, patient and public representatives.