Table 3

Sleep measures over time by caregiver's relationship to patient and adjusted for caregiver age, mean (95% CI), N=16

Sleep measurePartners
Other family
Statistics (with p<0.10)
Self-reported sleep quality
PSQI total scorep=0.040*, η2=0.29
 In hospice7.18 (4.70 to 9.65)5.54 (2.14 to 8.94)
 6-month follow-up7.45 (5.08 to 9.81)3.09 (−0.16 to 6.34)
 12-month follow-up7.69 (6.24 to 9.14)3.02 (1.03 to 5.01)
Actigraph measures
Sleep disruption
 WASO, minp=0.002†, η2=0.37
  In hospice70 (12 to 128)165 (85 to 244)
  6-month follow-up116 (86 to 147)38 (−4 to 80)
  12-month follow-up102 (60 to 144)67 (9 to 124)
 WASO, %p=0.007†, η2=0.32
  In hospice12.0 (4.1 to 20.0)24.5 (13.6 to 35.4)
  6-month follow-up19.1 (14.5 to 23.6)7.9 (1.7 to 14.1)
  12-month follow-up17.5 (10.0 to 25.0)11.8 (1.5 to 22.1)
 Night awakenings, np=0.067†, η2=0.19
  In hospice7.1 (3.56 to 10.6)7.2 (2.4 to 12.1)
  6-month follow-up10.8 (6.8 to 14.7)6.0 (0.6 to 11.3)
  12-month follow-up10.3 (6.5 to 14.1)6.0 (0.7 to 11.3)
Sleep quantity
 Total sleep in 24 h, h
  In hospice8.34 (7.44 to 9.25)8.24 (7.00 to 9.48)
  6-month follow-up8.49 (7.64 to 9.34)7.61 (6.44 to 8.78)
  12-month follow-up8.89 (7.75 to 10.0)8.12 (6.55 to 9.69)
 Total night sleep, h
  In hospice7.80 (7.04 to 8.57)7.61(6.56 to 8.66)
  6-month follow-up7.87 (7.30 to 8.44)7.26 (6.48 to 8.05)
  12-month follow-up7.83 (7.05 to 8.61)7.68 (6.61 to 8.75)
 Total day sleep, min
  In hospice31.3 (8.0 to 54.7)36.4 (4.4 to 68.5)
  6-month follow-up37.2 (15.5 to 58.9)20.4 (−9.5 to 50.2)
  12-month follow-up63.8 (31.9 to 95.8)23.8 (−20.1 to 67.7)
  • The PSQI assessed sleep during past month, while actigraphy measures assessed average sleep over 4 nights and 3 days.

  • *Main effect for group (partner vs other family).

  • †Interaction effect for group by time.

  • PSQI, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; WASO, wake after sleep onset, a measure of sleep disruption.