TableĀ 2

Responsibility/influence that different players could assume in the various steps of conducting a clinical trial and in the dissemination of clinical trial documents (Who?)

Players in the dissemination process
Steps in trial conduct and disseminationResearchers authorsJournal editorsPeer reviewers of journal articlesFunding agenciesPharmaceutical and medical device manufacturersResearch ethics committeesResearch institutionsRegulatory agenciesTrial registerDecision making bodies*Readers/patients/patient organisations/benefit assessment agencies/HTA bodies
Research idea/research questionxxxxx
Writing the study protocolxxxxx
Registering the study in a trial registerxxxxxxxxx
Submitting the study protocol for a journal publicationxxxxxxxx
Publishing the study protocolxxxxx
Conducting the study/assessing outcome measuresxx
Analysing dataxxx
Writing and submitting a journal articlexx
Peer reviewxx
Publishing journal researchxxxxxx
  • *Decision-making authorities in healthcare systems (eg, legal entities, such as the Federal Joint Committee in Germany).