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Myrtveit SM, Carstensen T, Kasch H, et al. Initial healthcare and coping preferences are associated with outcome 1 year after whiplash trauma: a multicentre 1-year followup study. BMJ Open 2015;5:e007239.

The number of regression analyses conducted is incorrectly stated on the second paragraph of page 3; 20 regression analyses were conducted, not 10. The paragraph should read “As multiple regression analyses were conducted, Bonferroni's method of taking multiple testing into account was used; the required p value of 0.05 was divided by the number of regression analyses (20). Our results thus had to present a p value below 0.0025 to be significant at the 0.05 level.” This correction does not change any of the results or conclusions of the study, but the sentence below table 2: “‡Significant also after Bonferroni correction (p<0.005)” should read “‡Significant also after Bonferroni correction (p<0.0025)”.

Also, in table 2 the typographical signifier “†” should be replaced with “‡” for the columns containing the p values. Specifically, the p value for the association between coping preference “sickness absence” and “reduced capability to work”, the association between coping preference “take medications” and “neck pain”, and the association between coping preference “take medications and “reduced capability to work” should be followed by “‡” to indicate that they were significant also after bonferroni correction (p<0.0025).

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